Aanahata Yoga & Healing Centre

Deep Relaxation, Yoga, Mediation, Pilates, Healing and Art

In the relaxed environment of the Discovery Park Castlecomer you will find the Aanahata Yoga Center.

What We Do


The practice of yoga and meditation provides an opportunity to experience deep, personal peace, calming the busy mind and taking you back to your true self.


The practice of yoga and meditation provides an opportunity to experience deep, personal peace, calming the busy mind and taking you back to your true self.


Why? Because the benefits are endless! It is known to strengthen the immune system, lower heart rate, strengthen the glandular system and enhance brain function.

Yoga Studio Castelcomer Co. Kilkenny

Deep Relaxation, Yoga, Mediation, Pilates, Healing and Art are all taking place here in Kilkenny.

Situated in the beautiful and tranquil surroundings of the Discovery Park Castlecomer, the Aanahata Yoga & Healing Center has been described as one of the loveliest yoga studios in Kilkenny.

Yoga is one of the fastest growing phenomenon in recent years. Everyday thousands of people across the globe are taking to the yoga mat. Why has this practice, which is thousands of years old, suddenly become so popular?

Present day life has become overloaded with stress and anxiety. Depression and fatigue related illnesses are on the increase. Everything seems to be moving faster leaving us with less and less time to focus on our spiritual selves. The principles on which we base our lives are changing. Our sense of personal identity and its foundations are shifting, which is having a huge effect on our health and well being.

The answer is simple, the yoga mat. The practice of yoga and meditation provides an opportunity to experience deep, personal peace, calming the busy mind and taking you back to your true self. Doctors and healthcare professionals are recommending the introduction of yoga to schools and health clinics nationwide. Why? Because the benefits are endless! It is known to strengthen the immune system, lower heart rate, strengthen the glandular system and enhance brain function. Additionally many sports persons are crediting their performance to the life long practice of yoga.

Latest Updates and Events


Welcome to the new term at the Aanahata Yoga Studio

Welcome to the new term at the Aanahata Yoga Studios Castlecomer Co. Kilkenny. The following classes are scheduled as follows.

Aanahata Yoga

In the relaxed environment of the Discovery Park Castlecomer you will find the Aanahata Yoga Center. Please feel free to contact us about classes, therapies and workshops.

Contact Us