Our Teachers

Margaret Comerford

Margaret Comerford is offering classes in Kundalini Yoga, treatments in Sat Nam Rasayan ( a healing therapy using only the meditative mind and the awareness ) Reflexology Treatments and Sound baths. Margaret first learned9 and is very passionate about the practice and its many benefits. She has in the last few years returned from the Netherlands where she studied, practiced and taught Kundalini Yoga and Sat Nam Rasayan Healing.


Concepta has been a practitioner of iyengar yoga for the past fourteen years.She received her Introductory level 11 certificate under the teachings of Irelands most senior Iyengar Yoga teacher Aisling Guirke in 2009.With a commitment to developing her own practise she regularily attends workshops studying under visiting senior teachers . She studied under Dr Geeta Iyengar in London in 2009 at the London Iyengar convention. Geeta is the daughter of the founder of Iyengar Yoga BKS Iyengar, one of the most influential yogi’s of our time.


Gillian Campden is committed to the study and practice of the pure teachings of Insight Meditation; she is a practitioner of Kundalini yoga and an accomplished artist with many years experience in teaching art. She works closely with people with disabilities, elderly, and children and currently has classes successfully running across Kilkenny

Ann Marie Love

A very talented lady offering Cacao Ceremonies and Yin Yoga. Ann Marie paints beautiful mandalas and is a wonderful tattoo artist. Her work can be seen in her studio in the Discovery Park

Eva Hyde

Eva has a deep passion for baby massage. This began when her children were babies (now 11 and 8 years old) when she attended classes with both of them. She decided to follow what she loved and become a baby massage instructor herself. She remains passionate about her work creating classes in lovely calm and relaxed setting. Participants feel very welcome when attending her classes. Eva has a many strings to her bow including massage and she currently works with children with autism.

Joe O Neill

Joe has been teaching Pilates for many years and his classes are very popular. Joe currently works in the Aisling Addiction Center and also privately as an addiction councillor.

Marian Stokes

Tai chi. Chi kung and meditation. With Marian stokes. Having completed a three year course at the tai chi and wellness academy in carlow. Marian qualified as a teacher in December 2022. Tai chi promates physical health and inner peace. Chi Kung promotes overall wellbeing.